A case for gray
Ask any photography buff who is their favorite photographer, and the name Ansel Adams will come up. But follow up with a question of “which color photo of Ansel Adams is your favorite?” You will be stared at as if worms are coming out of your ears.
As we all know, Ansel Adams is famous for his black and white photos of Yosemite, and the total range of light, from absolute black to absolute white — and wonderful grays in between! His photos elicited the best emotions, and made a strong case for conservation of this beautiful park.
But black and white — grayscale, actually, is a choice that you can have for your mural at no extra charge. The effect can be quite dramatic. Consider this recent mural by Richard Byers for the hallway of his home:
The gray scale reflects the treatment in the floor, the trim and the doors in the Byer’s hallway.
As you can see, the “wow factor” is not diminished by the gray scale.
And here is a sneak peek at a photo that is going to be in a Bar Harbor hotel lobby. The photo is of the founders of Acadia National Park in Maine. Wait to you see what they will do with the mural in a future NEWS article on this website.
Historic photo of the founders of Acadia National Park near Bar Harbor, Maine.
Take-home message of this article? You don’t have to be Ansel Adams nor ancient of days to “go gray.”
What you DO need is Nautical Chart Wallpaper to make those grays come alive on your wall. Give us a call or a text at (801) 989-8083 and we will help you explore your mural options today.!