My Beautiful Mistake

My poor mother. Every parent-teacher conference she heard the same thing: "You son shows potential but he just doesn't listen carefully."

Well, my teachers were right. And in the sixty-plus years since, I have REALLY tried to listen better, especially with clients I visit with on the phone a couple of thousand miles away from me. And Mom, you would be proud of me; generally, I do listen and get orders right.

But this week I blew it -- beautifully I might add!

My client Elaine Bowman of Village House asked me to make a color change; she wanted Benjamin-Moore's Sheer Romance No. 837. 

So I asked my graphics expert Kathryn to make the change. "Make all the colors Sheer Romance 837 except those areas in white." As you can see, it yielded quite a cool result.

But it wasn't what the client ordered!

Eliane simply wanted the blue shallow waters of a NOAA chart to be changed to the new blue color.  That way, it goes with the other color elements in the client's room.

Oops!  Thank heavens that I have a two-step proofing procedure to catch mistakes BEFORE going to print!

But everything is okay, we WILL get it right this time. And I WILL do a better job listening from now on. At least until my next beautiful mistake!

But for you, gentle reader, you will not make a mistake in working with Nautical Chart Wallpaper, because we keep at it until your mural is perfect for you before going to print!

Call us at (801) 989-8083 and we'll make your mural dreams come true -- with NO mistakes!

Buffy Farley

  "Skipper" Steve Morris has been sailing for more than 45 years. Whenever Skipper's sailor friends used to talk about their sailing adventures, it was not unusual for them to grab a chart, unroll it to a certain island or waterway, and tell a story of what happened during a particular voyage. As Skipper realized that nautical charts are used for navigating stories as well as passageways, the idea of nautical chart murals came naturally. What better place to tell a tale of the sea than in one's own home or office than with a beautiful nautical chart mural as the visual aid!

   In 2013, he moved to the Coeur d'Alene area of Northern Idaho with his wife Linda. When Skipper is not working on murals, you can find him sailing his Erickson 27' on Lake Coeur d’Alene.

   He continues to design custom-made wallpaper from nautical charts, satellite photos, topographical maps and favorite photos.

A Taste of East in the West


The Big News is "Big Beach Builds" on DIY TV Featuring Nautical Chart Wallpaper