A Mural that will make you Green with envy!
The chart of Long Island Sound, Rhode Island side, without color changes
Linda Buffum is a client who lives in Rhode Island with her home overlooking Long Island Sound. That's enough to make many of us "green with envy" but, oh no, Linda didn't stop there!
When we were discussing her mural, Linda said something that really caught my ear -- and eye! She said, " . . . you know, where we live is quite green with trees, grass, shrubs. It doesn't look at all like the beige you see in the chart. Why not turn the land green?"
Oddly enough, I never thought of that before she mentioned it. But much of our eastern coastline is indeed green with lovely trees, and grassy areas that go all the way to the shoreline!
The green land along the Rhode Island shoreline.
I told LInda that we can do a color change for just $40 more but first she needed to let us know exactly what color in the Benjamin - Moore Color Collection she wanted.
She decided on Acadia Green 2034-50.
That color worked well as it was significantly different from the tidal flat color of sage green. The rest of the chart colors remained the same.
As you can see, the result is wonderful! We also enlarged the compass rose and moved it into place along the bottom of the mural.
So if you want your mural to have green land (without that many more "greenbacks"), you may want to take this cool idea from Linda Buffum's mural and do likewise.
We would love to help!