The View from the Mediterranean

One of my clients, Alessandro Sias wanted a mural on the southern part of Sicily. It was important to include both home and sailing waters into the mural. This mural would need to be created from two parts of a chart, and digitally joined into a single image. Alessandro wanted a chart for living room that made sailing area and coastline the centerpiece of the living room.

We had a challenge or two to make this happen. First we needed to join two parts of the chart digitally into one chart view.  Kathryn, our graphics specialist, made the two views join seamlessly.  Also, the color of the land was an unappealing yellow. There was also some stray marks, probably from scanning.  Kathryn removed those marks too.

Next, the color of the chart was problematic.  Rather than yellow, Alessandro and I figured that in order for the mural to look good with the color of the wall and furniture, the best idea would be a grayscale, or a black and white look.

As you can see, this idea worked very well. Note how the subtle color of the wall and the furniture works well with the grayscale approach.

Now here’s an interesting fact.  Neither Alessandro nor I shipped maps back and forth.  It was accomplished by scanning the image of the charts and using to send them to Nautical Chart Wallpaper. is one of the best things on the Internet.  The website offers a free service of sending up to 2 gigabytes of files from one email address to another – at no charge!  It is a site I use every day, and I highly recommend it to everyone, as it saves money for shipping, and time.  Yes, big files take time to send over the Internet, but they get there in anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours depending on the size of the file and the speed of your Internet connection. 

Big file transfers are possible anywhere in the world – even between Post Falls Idaho, and Italy!

Alessandro sent me the pictures I’m sharing with you on this blog.

Just so you don’t think that Alessandro’s world is all black and white, here is a view from the Alessandro’s living room, showing off the Italian sunset.​

Buffy Farley

  "Skipper" Steve Morris has been sailing for more than 45 years. Whenever Skipper's sailor friends used to talk about their sailing adventures, it was not unusual for them to grab a chart, unroll it to a certain island or waterway, and tell a story of what happened during a particular voyage. As Skipper realized that nautical charts are used for navigating stories as well as passageways, the idea of nautical chart murals came naturally. What better place to tell a tale of the sea than in one's own home or office than with a beautiful nautical chart mural as the visual aid!

   In 2013, he moved to the Coeur d'Alene area of Northern Idaho with his wife Linda. When Skipper is not working on murals, you can find him sailing his Erickson 27' on Lake Coeur d’Alene.

   He continues to design custom-made wallpaper from nautical charts, satellite photos, topographical maps and favorite photos.

Mural Technology Marches On!


Putting the "art" in Chart